Tuesday, September 23, 2008

We moved!!

Well, it finally happened! We sold our house and moved into our dream home...We moved moved on September 12th and have been so busy since! It's a good thing this will be our last move for a loooong time (and the next time we will have two grown men to help!). I will send out cards/emails with our new mailing address. We can't wait to host company for the Thanksgiving holiday! Mom and the kids plan to come with Grandma and Grandpa. We're also hoping April and her family will make it down from Tennessee with Uncle Ken! More moving photos to come soon!! We will miss Aunt Pat, Uncle Mark, Matt,. Amy, Micah and Nicolae since Amy will more than likely be giving birth! Congrats Amy!!

Monday, September 8, 2008

1st Day of School

Although Jakob and Jared have been in school for 5 weeks now, I figured everyone would want to see the photos from their first day (which can be found here). As you can see, Jared wasn't too excited about Kindergarten and still struggles on a daily basis to get to school without getting upset. He is recieving speech therapy at school and will hopefully begin occupational therapy again soon to help with this huge transition in his life. Jake is loving 3rd grade and is doing very well socially and academically. This is the first year he will actually receive A, B, C.... grades, so we're working hard to make sure he makes the Principal's honor roll.

Better late than never....

This Summer our friends Mike and Jessica visited with their two children, Alison and Andrew. While they were here Jason and Mike went to the DCI Atlanta Regional show while Jessica and Jen took the kids to the Georgia Aquarium. Besides the large crowds, it was a pretty cool place. We took a ton of photos. We also had fun playing Rock Band and hiking Red Top Mountian in search of wildlife. We had a great time and can't wait to do it again!!